Extract of Title
Set As Favourite
Extract of Title consists of Land Description, Map Sheet Number, Area, Annual Rent, Term of Title, Commencement & Expiry Date, Classification & Category of Land, Date of registration, Locality of Land, Special Conditions, Registered Proprietor(s) includes share, ID & capacity (if any), Encumbrances, Limitations, Easement & Annotation and Remarks. Information of the Extract Of Title is the same as the Prinout Of Title except that the Extract Of Title is checked and digitally signed by the Registrar and shall be made available to the purchaser within 2 working days upon successfully payment.
A computer with browsers (Google Chrome, Mozilla) and Internet Connection.
General Public
The charges is RM10.00 for the first 2 Pages and RM5.00 for each subsequent page.
This service is available through the following channels :
- Any Land and Survey Department customer service counter
- Online through portal or mobile apps (eLASIS)