Purchase Print out of Title
Set As Favourite
Print-out of Title consists of Land Description, Map Sheet Number, Area, Annual Rent, Term of Title, Commencement & Expiry Date, Classification & Category of Land, Date of registration, Locality of Land, Special Conditions, Registered Proprietor(s) includes share, ID & capacity (if any), Encumbrances, Limitations, Easement & Annotation and Remarks. Printout Of Title will be made available to the purchaser upon successfully payment.
General public
The charges is RM5.00 for the first 2 Pages and RM5.00 for each subsequent page.
This service is available through the following channels :
- Any Land and Survey Department customer service counter
- Online through portal or mobile apps (eLASIS)
For any inquiries, please contact nearest Land and Survey Department or contact the 24-hour customer care line 1-300-88-SAINS or 1-300-88-7246 or email callcentre@sains.com.my.